Φεβρουαρίου 28, 2015

smart machines will replace human labour .. the future of humanity in question. Is that future ..at the utter mercy of the nastiest of people.. for the nastiest of reasons..

One of the most significant developments in technology in coming years will likely be the use of smart machines—cognitive technologies—to replace human labor.
Cognitive technology: The rise of “bionic brains” - Deloitte University Press 

smart machines.. bionic brains.. will replace human labour .. the future of humanity in question.

Is that future ..at the utter mercy of the nastiest of people.. for the nastiest of reasons.. ..would we let ..these people ..decide our fate .. the companies and organizations that they overwhelmingly have under their hold ..on their leash ..

leash around ..humanity's neck ..humanity .. restrained

humanity in deep ignorance like an ostrich burying its head in the sand ..hiding

knowledge ignored because it does not whet the appetite of the powerful that hold the reigns ..

relentless efforts  required to coax them ..to appease them ..to embellish their whims and caprices before they 
are forced to notice knowledge ..

hints of acknowledgment mere pittance ..crumbs that reluctantly are given ..

the world in the hands of ignorant people tormented ..
spoiled to the bone ..

instead of being  ..tried and tested eagerly ..the scientific way ..

the inane and insane prerogative ..

knowledge to be used only for the sake of making money ..to gather and collect profits ..in any other case knowledge is worthless ..

the attitude that people face, their skills their abilities their talents to be judged solely on the criterion of how much money they make ..

the link of making a living and work in the way it is assessed.. that must be severed..

people that are trapped in unsuitable to their talents jobs snared into the conundrum of work and making a living connection ..link.. 

people that their talents are ignored because they did not manage to fit in the inane and insane framework that capitalist scenarios offer ..

people that loath the ..nastiest prerogative, that Keynes put forth, for the betterment of societies are excluded ..

it is high time to put the ..nastiest into the scrapheap of history of the human kind ..

never again .. the nastiest and ignorant of the people ..to rule upon our lives..

for people to achieve recognition and dignity solely on the merit of their skills and talents..

the vast potential that lies around unused ..untapped ..wasted ..squandered ..

as potential that has never been discovered ..

the conditions prevalent in the current form in our societies ..do not put the parameters at bay .. to make it so ..

the current system ..is suffocating humanity ..

One of the most significant developments in technology—and society in general—over the next several years will likely be the use of smart machines to replace human labor. This is one of Deloitte’s analytics trends of 2015, and I have no doubt that it’s coming. My only doubt is what to call it; even within Deloitte, some call it “bionic brains,” some “cognitive technology,” some “cognitive analytics”  and some “amplified intelligence.” I do like hanging out at a firm where there are no language police.
And certainly, there is a wide variety of terms used to describe this phenomenon outside of Deloitte. “Artificial intelligence” is an old standby—perhaps too old. And googling “IBM cognitive” will get you not only the widely used “cognitive computing,” but also “cognitive systems,” “cognitive speech,” “cognitive environments,” and the intriguing “cognitive cooking.” Sometimes, to avoid all this terminological confusion, I use the generic term “smart machines.” I do avoid “robots” because most of these technologies don’t have arms, legs, or heads with antennae; they’re just another form of software running on a computer.
Given that these systems are becoming available, it seems unlikely that companies and organizations will decline to use them in order to preserve human jobs and skills. This is the wish of Nick Carr in his well-argued new book The Glass Cage, but I don’t think it’s how capitalism works. When I talk with business leaders about automation, they seem quite willing to explore how well it will work for their organizations, if it will save them money, or if it can make them more competitive.

their decision to be based upon ..inane criteria .. save them money ..competitiveness .. totally unsuitable for the societies of people

people would reject ..will reject ..such criteria .. Keynes’s .. definition of capitalism sets the pace ..clears up the path ..

people are becoming ..short ..of belief ..let alone ..astounding .. 

the wickedest of men ..do not inspire belief ..utter disbelief ....they do .. it is the norm in societies .. 

and reject ..the wickedest of things ..it is totally against their nature ..profanity proper ..

.. the nastiest ..wickedest.. property ..aspect of the human individual ..incipiently.. unconsciously promoted ..infused in every nook and cranny of the human societies ..

..an absolute burden ..for people to bear exhausts ..them ..drain their resources .. 

..permeating in every level ..from family to community ..to societies ..to nations ..becoming the unbearable weight for humanity to carry on its shoulders .. the damage to the fiber of societies ..is excruciating .. 

it is a .. baggage that should be ..offloaded.. immediately ..for humanity to breath in tandem .. 

.. in utter and soul-cleansing ..relief ..

.. to ..once and for all .. be freed from humanity's ..so-called ..original sin .. 

people would not rely upon the nastiest of people ..for the nastiest of reasons ..to make up a decision of what’s to become of them ..in the coming era ..of bionic brains ..or what else ..it can be called ..

.. it seems unlikely that companies and organizations will decline to use them in order to preserve human jobs and skills.

two negatives ..making hard to assess ..what the author ..have capitulated out of his research ..what companies and organizations ..have in mind for the place of human individuals in the upcoming era

as if it is in their hands to decide ..what people should do .. and not for people to make the decision ..

regardless ..

So this is going to happen, and the question is what are we going to do about it. Other observers have commented that we need to supply more education and retraining for displaced workers, but that seems like a tired old prescription. Others suggest that we need to begin to prepare for a time when the link between employment and “making a living” has been severed. They propose income redistribution, safety nets, more leisure activity, and work-as-a-hobby. These arguments may be valid, but I don’t see them being adopted anytime soon in the current society and polity.

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