Νοεμβρίου 08, 2007

Συνειδηση και συναισθηση?

Συνειδηση και συναισθηση διπλα-διπλα η απεναντι η μια στην αλλη? Συνειδηση μια μηχανιστικη διαδικασια (process) η οποια αναλυει το προϊον των αισθησεων που η συναισθηση παραγει. Στο παραδειγμα "κουραστηκα", η συναισθηση και "συνειδητοποιησα οτι κουραστηκα", η συνειδηση, "ειναι δυο διαφορετικα πραγματα". Ποια ειναι η διαφορα? Τη συναισθηση την αισθανομασται, ειναι η αισθηση που μεταφερεται στον εγκεφαλο απο το καταπονημενο σωμα λογω εξαντλησης στους μυες μας. Πιθανον προκληθηκε απο συσσωρευμενες χημικες ουσιες σαν το γαλακτικο οξυ και οι νευρικοι παλμοι μεταφερθηκαν με τα νευρικα κυτταρα στο μυαλο μας, και το μυαλο μας εφερε την αισθηση της κουρασης, την awareness της κουρασης.

What about the consciousness part? What 'being conscious of being tired actually means'? The first thing obviously is that we can think about it, and use this assertion into what we can do about it. We bring about logic in order to respond to the situation our awareness of tiredness demands. So, since we are tired then we should rest and further depending on the task we set about to perform, to assess whether we can continue the task or not. All in all consciousness assists in deciding of what to do about our awareness, how to react to our awareness, to the messages arriving in our brain by the mechanisms connected by our awareness.

Thoughts about analogue vs. digital seem relevant. Analogue for awareness and digital for consciousness. Analogue having a broad spectrum of "registers" affected and digital the refining process where the signals received are cleaned and the effect each or particular "registers" receive, clearly defined. Awareness giving us a broad overview of a particular field on all our "registers", the senses for that matter, and consciousness makes it specific for each "register" or just the "register" we choose to focus upon according to the task to be performed.

Τhe matter is not finished yet. Referring to awareness as the state of being fully conscious of pertinent stimuli and really experiencing a task or situation brings in aspects attributed to consciousness. This makes fuzzier the boundaries between the two faculties. Or is it that consciousness rise, it becomes more subtle, more acute, by learning, training repetition or other process therefore it makes it possible to distinguish between minute fluctuations in the stimuli presented to our senses. What our "registers" are picking up. It is still perception, the way we perceive our environment and therefore awareness. It is how a wine-tester develops the skill to make out the differences in taste, flavour, bouquet and all the different aspects of his trade which an untrained, lay-person is largely unaware of.

So this developed skill goes hand-in-hand with the firm acquisition of all the relevant concepts in the wine-making process. Concept development arising by the need to identify even finer differences between wine samples and once a concept is affirmed, continuing persistent differences might incite the creation of newer novel concepts, the process repeating itself, an abundance of concepts, a rise in consciousness that result in even more acute awareness.

Συνειδηση επεκτεινεται σε πλατος και βαθος, αγκαλιαζοντας ολο και πιο ευρεα realms of existence καθως ολο και περισσοτερα concepts ενσωματονονται, χερι-με-χερι με ακομη περισσοτερο κοφτερη perception και ανυψωση της συναισθησης (awareness).